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Elf Biplane. First saw one of these at the idyllic 2009 Bowden, when one was flown by (I think) Alan Husband. Our John Thornburn also has a beautiful version for r/c powered by a small four-stroke. Mine is an electric conversion for r/c. I do have some diesel motors, but this is much cleaner, does less damage to the airframe, and can be run up indoors (with the nose pushed under the footwell of my workbench, for safety.) Original idea was to insert the battery through the cowling under the prop, but when assembled I discovered that the model balanced perfectly without the battery. Hence a late modification to add another battery box in the pilot position, accessed from below. The original bettery space is now a cooling shaft. There! If I hadn't admitted that, you would all have thought it was a brilliantly planned arrangement. DATA:
John Ashmole |