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Bumble Bee ('Just messing about') flew well at Old Warden in the hands of Ted Szklaruk , so I decided to make a dragonfly using the same design techniques.

Flying insect

Specification :

3mm Depron wings, 5mm Depron fuselage, 1mm CF rod wing bracing
Atomic Workshop Voodoo 25
200 mah 1s LiPo
Nick Leichty timer giving speed and motor run time control
CG at 8mm from root LE (wings have sweep forward)
7 deg down thrust
AUW 28gms
Finish : a quick coat of blue acrylic and some 'Sharpie' doodles
Eyes : Colemans Peterborough, a big bag of assorted poly balls for £1.25

The model has no vertical or horizontal stabiliser, a flat plate section (OK for Ebenezer) no reflex or washout and should not fly at all. That it does amazes me and it has a glide. Templates for this are held by Ted Szklaruk.

Do not omit the wing bracing, the wings flutter in torsion if you do

Ian Middlemiss July 2010