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Handley Page Heyford
from Christian Moes in Canada

Wing span is 710mm - weighs 96 grams with 240 mAh 1S LiPo. The gearmotors and AR6400 with dual ESCs are ex-Parkzone Mossie. At 2.4 oz./sq.ft. - this is a slow flyer - very realistic - but also responds slowly to controls (rudders & elevator) so care must be taken to navigate within the confines of our gym. It does left or right circuits equally well. The tail comes up immediately on take-off - which is a sight to behold!

Seen here with micro Ugly Stik #2. Both have basic box fuselages and Depron flying surfaces

Tom was kind enough to bring his Parkzone Mossie for the sole purpose of taking this photo. These models are almost exactly the same scale (1/32) and illustrate the remarkable advance in aircraft development in less than a decade! The Handley Page Heyford bomber, which entered service in 1934, was much larger and had less than 1/2 the total horsepower of the Mosquito fighter/bomber introduced in 1941 (1300 hp vs. 3000+ hp). In model form - they both share the same AR6400 Rx and propellers - but the Heyford has more Watts! Black back P-51 gearmotors vs. white back Mossie gearmotors. The model Heyford flies slowly and is quite manageable in the gym - whereas the Mossie is much too fast....

Christian Moes
February 2014

I couldn't resist getting out my cigarette cards again......
These scans are twice life size.

The back of the card very messy as they came with adhesive already in place so they could be licked and stuck in an album. In the 78 years or so since it was first distributed the adhesive has suffered.....

Tony Beckett