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You will all recall Bernie running a spring winding show and tell at the last winter Peakirk clubhouse Friday. Tiny springs are invaluable for providing the hold tension for the DT on a tilt stab system. Rubber bands degrade badly in UV and I get fed up of continually changing them. Bernie used the top two guitar strings B (.013") and E (.009"). This is OK for Bernie, being a pro rock guitarist of repute, but buying a set of strings and dumping the lower 4 is not cheap. Finding a UK source of music wire was not easy but at last I came across a maker of harpsichords who was willing to sell Roslou music wire in small quantities. His contact details are ............ Hugh Craig, Redhill Cottage, Bromsberrow Road, Redmarley , Glos, GL19 3JU. Tel 01531 650001 He is offering 6m of wire in the following sizes......I do not have an email address.
The list goes up to 21 gauge at .046" but the list above covers the sizes for DT springs . About £3.75 + post. Ian Middlemiss |