This website is basically Outerzone for books.
Scale modelers will be interested in The Best of Golden Age
Flying Models Quote: "This little booklet contains, in reduced size,
about one hundred and fifty plans of models that were representative, in size
and type, of the most popular models of the 30s. It contains models of WWI
planes, light planes, commercial planes, racing planes and military planes. The
choice was not haphazard, each model was chosen because of some specific
quality or general popularity."
and Scale Models by Wylam Quote from the original foreword:
"A decade ago the Automobile Age slipped almost imperceptibly into the Air
Age. But the transition did not go unnoticed by one of America's most brilliant
young draftsmen who quickly turned his talents to airplanes and motors. His
singular genius for fine detail and plan-layout immediately stamped his work in
this field as outstanding and 'Drawn by Wylam' soon became a widely recognized
trademark of excellence in aeronautic draftsmanship. 'Model Airplane News'
magazine is proud to have published William Wylam's works for the past ten
years. And in response to numerous requests for a single volume to include all
these superb drawings, we offer this distinctive collection to all
discriminating aeromodelers."
also Flying Scale Models by Ron Moulton.
Bryan Lea November 2015 |