Free Flight at Ferry Meadows Tuesday and Friday 1pm until dusk, all year round.
Control Line at Thorpe Meadow every Monday and Wednesday 1pm until dusk.
Contact Brian Lever on
before travelling.
2025 Flying Aces
We have an agreed date with the Nene Park Trust for our Annual Gala "Flying Aces".
It will take place on Saturday 6th September 2025.
For full details and Flyer click here.
2024-2025 Peakirk Village Hall Meetings
The Club meeting dates and times at Peakirk Village Hall are on the Calendar. The next meeting is on Friday 13th December for our Christmas party. Come and join us for some Seasonal Cheer, a good chat and sausage rolls and mince pies!
2024-2025 Indoor Flying
Location: Bushfield Leisure Centre , Peterborough PE2 5RQ
Large Hall, Low Key Comps, Slow Light R.C. welcome ( no Shockies / Helis )
Contact: Brian Waterland 01778 343722
Saturday October 19th 10.00 to 13:00Saturday November 9th 10.00 to 13:00
Sunday December 8th 10.00 to 13:00
Saturday January 11th 10.00 to 14:00Sunday February 9th 10.00 to 13:00
Sunday March 2nd 10:00 to 14:00 - Includes Peterborough Rubber Powered Paper Plane Nationals event.
Ferry Meadows Free Flight Competitions 2025
The times for comps at Ferry this year are 14:00 to 18:00hrs.The competitions are P20, E20 (open), HLG/CAT, Hi-Start 36" Glider and a new event of Open Rubber precision � Any rubber model allowed for flying at Ferry of any configuration or span. 3 flights against a target time set on the day.
These comps are on the following dates:
9th May
6th June
4th July
12th September
We will try and fit in one more date but this is dependent on the other FF event calendars being confirmed. These competitions will also be opened to postal entries to enable members who are not in the Peterborough area to enter. If members wish to fly categories such as Open Rocket duration, Scale, Cloud Tramp or any other type of model allowed at Ferry this can be done either as sport flying or as an informal comp for fun arranged by those flying that category on the day.
Also the The Bernie Nichols Trophy will be on a date to be confirmed (weather dependent). An Email announcement will confirm a week beforehand.