

the Bulletin of the Auckland Model Aero Club. Edited by Stan Mauger. PMFC and AMAC have an exchange arrangement. Stan now produces Scale News, listed here as well as Slipstream.

85 Slipstr AprMay23LR 84 Slipstr FebMar23LR 83 Slipstr DecJan23LR 82 Slipstr OctNOV 22LR 81 Slipstr AugSEP22LR 80 SlipstrAprMAY22LR 79 SlipstrFebMar22LR 77 SlipstrDecJAN22LR 76 SlipstrSeptOCT 2021LR 75 JulAug21SlipstrLR 74 SlipstrMayJUN21 LR 73 MarAPR21 Slipstr2LR 72 JanFeb21 SlipstrLR 71 NovDec Slipstr20LR 70 SepOct Slipstr20LR 68 JulAug Slipstr20LR 67 AprMay Slipstr20LR 65 FebMar Slipstr20LR 63 DecJan Slipstr19LR 61 OctNOV Slipstr19LR 60 AugSEPT Slipstr19LR 58 JunJUL Slipstr19LR 57 SlipstrAprMay19LR 56 SlipstrFeb19LR 55 SlipstrDEC18 LR 54 SlipstrOctNovLR 53 Slipstr Aug Sept18LR2 52 SlipstrJunJul18 LR 51 SlipstrMAY18LR 50 SlipstrAPRIL18LR 49 SlipstrMarch18LR2 48 SlipstrFEB2018 LR 47 SlipstrDEC17 Jan18LR 46 SlipstrNov17 LR 45 SlipstrOCT17LR 44 SlipStream Sept17 43 SlipStream AUG17LR 42 SlipStream JUL17LR 41 SlipStream JUN17LR 40 SlipStream May17LR 39 SlipStream APR17LR 38 SlipStream Mar17LR 37 SlipStream Feb17LR 36 SlipStream Dec16 35 SlipStream Nov16LR 34 SlipStream OCT16LR 33 SlipStream SEP16LR 32 SlipStream AUG16 LR 31 SlipStream JUL16LR 30 SlipStream June16 LR 29 SlipStream MAY2016LR 28 SlipStream April16LR 27 SlipStream MAR 2016v2LR 26 SlipStream FEB2016LR 25 SlipStream DEC2015 LR 24 SlipStream NOV2015LR 23 SlipStream OCT2015LR 22 SlipStream AUG2015 LR 21 SlipStream JUL2015LR 20 SlipStream JUNE15 LRes 19 SlipStream MAY2015LR 18 SlipStream APR2015LR2 17 SlipStream MAR15 LR 16 SlipStream FEB15LRes 15 SlipStreamDec-Jan14LR 14 SlipStreamNOV14LRes 13 SlipStreamAUG OCT14Lres 12 SlipStreamAUG SEP14LR 11 SlipStreamJUL14LR2 10 SlipStream JUNE14LR 09 SlipStream MAY14 LRes 08 SlipStream APR14LLR 07 SlipStream MAR14 LRes 06 SlipStream FEB2014 05 SlipStream Dec-Jan13LR 04 SlipStream Nov13LR 03 SlipStream OCT13LR 02 SlipStream SEPT13LR 01 SlipStream AUG13Rev