Membership Application

If you would like to talk about any aspect of aeromodelling or PMFC membership please call:

Chairman - Andy Green, 5 8 0 7 5 5   3 5 8 7 0 g r o . c f m h g u o r o b r e t e p n a m r i a h c
Club Secretary - Andy Green, 5 8 0 7 5 5   3 5 8 7 0 g r o . c f m h g u o r o b r e t e p y r a t e r c e s

Alternatively,if you wish to apply for membership straight away, the current fees are:

Full Adult PMFC annual membership


Juniors PMFC annual membership


BMFA Adult annual membership


BMFA Juniors annual membership


BMFA Family annual membership Partner


BMFA Family annual membership Junior


Please complete the membership application form below, enclose a cheque for the appropriate amount and send it to:-

Richard Arnold,
Membership Secretary,
Email:- g r o . c f m h g u o r o b r e t r e p p i h s r e b m e m
Tel:- 3 0 0 2 2 5   1 9 8 7 0

Note: Discounts may apply for membership commencing after July.
Please call for details

Please make cheques payable to 'PMFC'.

Read the Peterborough Model Flying Club Privacy Notice here

Download the application form in PDF format here

Do I need to pay for CAA registration?

Although there are options to fly models without paying for the CAA operator ID registration there are a number of points to think about before taking this approach. Flying a F/F or R/C model under 250g all up weight at take-off without a CAA operator ID is known as flying under the Open Category requirements of the CAP722 legislation.

So for free flight and radio control models this means that you can fly under the Open Category provided you have NO onboard camera and you do NOT fly above 400ft or over 19m/s (43mph). If you are confident that your models will never exceed these limits then you are legal to fly without registration.

Under the legislation you can fly control line models without a CAA operator ID If your lines are less than 25m in length and the model weighs less than 7.5kg.

If you only fly indoors you are exempt from obtaining a CAA operator ID.

Please note that there are other restrictions depending upon circumstances and where you fly that can make flying under the Open Requirements invalid. So even if you choose not to register you will need to make yourself aware of the legislation. The CAA Article 16 Authorisation guide is available at

Remember that if you breach the Open Category requirements you are arguably outside the law and therefore any insurance cover could be questioned if you are involved in an incident.

If your F/F or R/C model is heavier than 250g, or you wish to play safe in case your model flies away outside the Open Category restriction of 400ft for instance, you can get a CAA Operator ID via the BMFA. The legislation requires that you are able to demonstrate competence. A BMFA ‘A’ or ‘B’ Certificate will suffice. If you don’t have either of these you need to take the RCC test. Instructions on how to take the test and submit your RCC certificate for approval can be found at

Once you have an approved Certificate, just log into the BMFA membership portal at

Then click on ‘membership’ and purchase a CAA registration.

If you require help or have questions about the registration process go onto the BMFA membership portal and use the ‘My Enquiries’ button to raise a query which will then be assigned to the person with the correct skills to help. As a last resort you can call the BMFA on their general switchboard number 0116 244 0028